
Improve your blog by executing a consistent strategy and gain the skills and knowledge of a professional freelance blogger.

Based in Brisbane, Australia.


The iBlogyou Approach is an effective system for blogging and reaching your online audience.

Give your blog the readership it deserves with the iBlogyou Approach.


Bloggers and businesses struggle to keep their blogs going because they don’t know what to do.

As a result, blog articles are inconsistent, off-brand and fail to resonate with their audience. When your blog strategy isn’t clear:

  • Readers bounce away to another website.
  • Your message is confusing.
  • Content is irrelevant, inconsistent and unclear.
  • Monthly visitor statistics decline.
  • You rank low or not at all in search engines.
  • Your email and newsletter list’s growth is slow.
  • There are no clicks on promoted posts.
  • Conversion rates are low.



    iBlogyou collects your name and email for newsletter updates. Read the privacy policy to see how iBlogyou manages and protects your data.

    The iBlogyou Approach to blogging is a proven method for articulating ideas and successful blogging.  Tina shares her secrets to blogging in her monthly newsletter and in The Blog.

    “I’m here to support you 💯. I’m a blogger and freelance writer who specialises in online content and search engine optimisation. Online experiences begin with searches.”


    Improve your blog with the iBlogyou Approach.

    Gain Tina’s verified skills and knowledge in online writing and attract website visitors with well-structured and meaningful blog posts. Start converting your readers with the iBlogyou Approach.

    Editing and proofing.

    When you need a second pair of eyes to edit or proof your website and blog post copy, Tina from iBlogyou has you covered.

    Outsourcing writing tasks you don’t enjoy makes your work day lighter.

    Blog writing.

    Sometimes, all you need is a little friendly help to keep your blog posting regularly.

    Whether you just need one blog a week or one every now and then, or you need someone to cover your leave, Tina can help you keep blogging.

    Check out iBlogyou’s individual blog post prices and contact Tina for a multiple blog package or an ongoing commitment.

    Blog project management.

    Resonate with your online audience by publishing regular blog articles that convert and bring back readers.

    Gain the skills, knowledge and processes to start, grow and improve your blog. These carry across hobby, commercial, entrepreneurial and personal blogs.

    Improve your blog with a dedicated blogging and social media plan. Tina can execute a blogging plan, help you write, edit and proof blog and social media posts, review and revise your strategy, and publish relevant and timely content on your website.

    A virtual blogging assistant

    Chief Blogger and Copywriter Tina Dubinsky has published hundreds of blog articles and web pages. Tina recommends linking older updated entries with new posts to improve your blog.


    In working with Tina across a range of clients over the last six years, I’ve been impressed with her creative writing style and ability to nail a brief… [Read review.]

    – Adam from Content First


    Real bloggers don’t use AI to write blog posts. Current comparisons between AI and non-AI posts, show real bloggers perform better.